80% of Schools Worse Off

The Department for Education (DfE) have announced extra funding for all schools however even with this, 80 per cent of schools are still worse off and less funded than they were in 2015. Unfortunately, this shows that the school funding crisis is not over. The Schools Cut campaign has states that the government has promised to give schools £1.9 billion more funding next year however educational unions say that this is very welcome but not enough.

2.9% Increase Needed

Kevin Courtney, the joint general secretary of the NEU teaching union, mentions that schools would need a 2.9 per cent increase just to make ends meet. Most schools now are reallocating their funds to their high needs provision, if applicable, where there are major funding pressures. It seems that with the funding crisis, sixth-form college students are the hardest to be hit.

Some schools, due to the funding crisis, are doing weekend fundraisers involving their students, parents and guardians. Utilising this extra cash is hugely beneficial for the students, although most of these events tend to be with primary schools.

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