According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) education establishments, including schools and colleges, in England have suffered the worst fall in spending since the 1970s. The recent government has committed to increasing the funding within schools which amounts to £4.3 billion a year by 2022 which will ‘just about reverse’ the 8 per cent cuts in spending per pupil since 2009.
Sixth Form and Colleges Suffered
The report by the IFS revealed that further education and sixth form received the largest cuts in spending over the last decade and although the government’s promise for extra funding is welcome by many, the total spending allowance is still 7 per cent less then that from 2010. Due to many decreasing over the years, and now a surge of funding to be given; this means that spending per pupil has not increased in over 13 years even though class numbers are increasing generally.
The overall consequences of the decline in spending has caused fewer adult learners and a lack in resources to teach certain skills, our country needs more funding to be able to assist in all areas of education.