A headteacher in a mainstream school in Devon has had to off-roll a student into home education as the child was struggling with noises in the lunch hall requiring sensory breaks outside the classroom, which in turn, the student’s anxiety rose. It is a clear message from Dawn Stabb, Head of Education and Learning in Devon, that home education should be the parent’s/guardian’s choice, not the schools job forcing a child out of school because they do not have the resources the child needs.
Parents felt abandoned
Unfortunately for the student, the parents felt abandoned and left with ‘nowhere to turn.’ Is this how we want our education system to be like? ‘I am sorry but your child doesn’t quite fit in with our learning and we cannot support them in any way due to resources and funding, therefore you need to sign a form saying you ‘elect’ your child for home education; and you can’t argue this decision.’ Really? So instead of doing something, even something small, we just get rid of the child. Out of sight, out of mind maybe?
This case needs to be brought forward to the government, if it can happen once, it could potentially happen in every single school in the country. We must help and support our students wherever and however we can.