EYFS Teaching Assistant

Swanscombe, Kent, South East, England

23rd June 2023

£11.68 - £13 per hour

Long Term

Job Description

EYFS Teaching Assistant


Rikama Education Ltd is representing a Primary School situated in Ebbsfleet who are looking to appoint an experienced, committed and enthusiastic Nursery Practitioner to join them on a full-time basis.

Are you an experienced Nursery Practitioner wishing to join a growing team with opportunities for career progression? Are you able to work as part of a team and also able to use your initiative as situations arise? As a relatively new team, we are looking for someone who can bring new skills to the role and team.

We are looking for:

• A qualified Level 2 or 3 Nursery Practitioner
• A Nursery Practitioner with a sense of humour, able to appreciate the joy in our learning community and engage with our supportive parent/carers
• Someone with experience of working in a similar setting.

Our client is committed to enhancing the development of their children and therefore maximising their potential. In addition, the school has very good resources and facilities.

Should you be accepted for this post, you will be rewarded by:

  • A Dedicated Consultant
  • Training
  • A long-term contract with the potential to go permanent at this school
  • Excellent rates of pay

In the first instance please apply with an updated CV to the email posted with the advert.

If you are happy in your current post; however, you have a colleague or friend that may be interested in this post, please pass on our email and number as Rikama Education run a referral incentive scheme for anyone who refers a person to us who is successfully placed.

Rikama is a family run business with over 50 years experience in recruitment. We pride ourselves on our ability to not only provide excellent service to our schools and clients, but to also ensuring that our staff are well looked after and happy in their positions.

If you, or anyone you know, are looking for a position in education, Rikama is the place to go. We have a wonderful team of highly knowledgeable, dedicated and passionate consultants who really do work their hardest to make sure your next role is right for you.

If this position doesn’t suit you, we have 100’s of other schools, roles and opportunities that you may be interested in.

Call us today for a free, no-obligation chat and we can see if we have what you are looking for.

0208 800 1111

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EYFS Teaching Assistant
Source: https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.aa317b278324183ab77f037b5666ea85?rik=kW4xDda9tejCnA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fstatic.guim.co.uk%2fsys-images%2fGuardian%2fPix%2fpictures%2f2014%2f3%2f16%2f1394996374076%2fEbbsfleet-map-001.jpg&ehk=4AXcFumKPovh%2fSJFV4cXcwj8X%2fiQbTg1iEXZ5Ea63qk%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
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