LSA’s: Underpaid & Undervalued

I believe that everybody in education can agree, underpaid support staff such as Learning Support Assistants and teaching assistants are a school’s lifeblood and without these people, the establishment would crumble and fall. Over the last few years however, the perception of them is not positive, from both teaching staff and parents alike.

Underpaid, Experienced and Knowledgeable

Most LSA’s in schools are highly experienced, knowledgeable and often help the newly qualified teachers year in year out control their class. Support staff like this are regularly asked to take care of the tricky children in the school and then forgot about and the main issue this has is communication. Senior management did not always get to communicate effectively with support staff as they are always concentrating on their teaching staff.

LSA’s need further pay and respect in the classroom, if every LSA decided to quit their job today, schools would close tomorrow. We need them! Respect them!

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