Phone Addiction In Children

Phone Addiction is becoming a huge issues with children, statistics have been released that nine in ten pupils check their phones during the night, causing pupils to be ‘running’ on only two hours of sleep.

These statistics have been released based on a sample of 594 students aged 11 – 18, an extremely worrying number; a total of 96 per cent of these students check their phones every two minutes; this is clearly an addiction, one that not everyone may be aware of.

In the modern age of technology and social media, adolescents are ‘desperate to network’ and keep up-to-date with their online peers. One student stated, ‘I sometimes find conversations boring, it is more interesting to talk to my friends,’ although ‘kids will be kids,’ is becoming more true then ever; I feel something must be done to combat this.

Students cannot be on their phones as much as what they are saying, most schools ban phones but I imagine some students still have them on their person. Parents need to be made more aware of this so called, ‘technoference,’ meaning the interference/distractions with technology.

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