Rikama Education Wants to Hear from You!

What is your experience of your school’s (or previous school’s) behaviour policies? We want to hear from all educators, teachers, teaching assistants, parents and young people on their discipline policies.

2018 and the first quarter of 2019 has seen criticism of punishments within schools due to ‘outdated’ behaviour policies such as the use of isolation booths to full exclusions to handle minor behaviour outbursts. A report has been released by the TES this month highlighting a multi-academy trust has been publicly humiliating their students in assemblies by making them cry in front of their peers.

Please share your stories, are your policies ‘zero tolerance’ and are they effective? Do you have strict policies but are they followed? We want to hear from all educators, parents and young persons over the age of 16 on your thoughts; send your thoughts to info@www.rikama-education.com

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