The Spring statement took place yesterday, it was announced that schools will receive no new funding and instead Philip Hammond has prioritised £100 million for police to tackle knife crime and he did confirm that the government would give funding to secondary schools and colleges from the next school year to purchase sanitary products.
Mr Hammond also told all MP’s that is a Brexit deal is agreed soon he will launch a review for spending before the summer so full clarity is available, however Brexit is currently unknown especially with two votes against Prime Minister Teresa May; this review would set out full spending within government departments including the DfE for the next three years.
If the UK leaves the EU with a deal, Mr Hammond has stated that he will share the ‘deal dividend’ between capital investment, increased spending on public services and keeping taxes low. This statement, although sounds very promising for most of the UK, raises concerns for school funding. Rikama Education have reported on free sanitary products as well as knife crime over the last couple of weeks, funding for both of these is fantastic news however more money needs to be given to schools.