Reaching the Peak of COVID-19

The country has been told today by Boris Johnson not to lose patience with the lockdown, ‘we are now beginning to turn the tide.’ At the Peak! Our great country is showing real signs that we are passing through the peak of Covid-19, meaning that (fingers crossed) schools will show some sort of phased return […]

Help for Autistic Students Settling in Schools

The new academic year is among us, it can be unsettling for most going into a new school, but it is especially unnerving for young people with autism with big changes and unfamiliar routines. However, there are a few simple things you can do to help these students. First, get to know them. Every single […]

Headteacher ‘Off-Rolled’ Autistic Child

A headteacher in a mainstream school in Devon has had to off-roll a student into home education as the child was struggling with noises in the lunch hall requiring sensory breaks outside the classroom, which in turn, the student’s anxiety rose. It is a clear message from Dawn Stabb, Head of Education and Learning in […]

Teachers Feel ‘Guilty’ About Caring for Themselves

Taking care of our children and students are paramount, however should we start caring for the people who are mentoring, developing and nurturing our next generation? Teachers should not be feeling guilty or any kind of shame for paying attention to their own well-being. This year alone, there has been a steep rise in educational […]

Schools are ‘Letting Down’ Bereaved Pupils Throughout the Country

Studies on Pupils released this morning have warned of there being a ‘patchy provision’ for children who have lost loved ones calling on schools to develop clear plans to support children appropriately. It has been reported that schools take a ‘random’ approach to supporting children, some teachers avoiding help altogether afraid that they may make […]