Fifth of Young People Bullied

A report has been published today stating that a fifth of young people in the UK have been bullied in the past 12 months. Out of those, three out of four people said that the bullying directly affected their mental health which then led to depression in over half of them. Interestingly, the figures released […]

Social Media is Damaging our Youth

In the age of social media ‘influencers’ and the show that all our youth seem to watch; Love Island; people cling on to knowing everything there is to know about these individuals from where they go on holiday, to their make-up and gym routines. ‘Influencers’ are giving students a ‘warped’ or ‘distorted’ understanding of a […]

Cyberbullying, England is Worst Ranked in the World

A global education report has found that England is the worst in the world for cyberbullying of students. The report asked headteachers around the world to account for any incidents of students, parents or guardians who had posted harmful information online about students; of which an average of 2.5 per cent of headteachers made a […]