Ofsted Introducing Mental Health Inspections

Under the new inspection regime this year, Ofsted will be checking whether schools have certain systems in place to identify children whose mental health is evident or deteriorating. Ofsted will be utilising these checks in collaboration with local services to see how they respond to children with ill mental health as well as how timely […]

Bullying in Schools – What Can We Do?

The number one concern with young people in modern times is bullying of some sort with most of it starting at school; research released this week have stated that 60% of secondary pupils have experienced bullying. This comes as Rikama Education, who reported earlier this week, on Jeremy Wright who warns of social media operators […]

Bullying Cases Rise on Social Media

Jeremy Wright, the culture secretary, has stated that if social media firms such as Facebook and Snapchat do not act against online bullying ‘at the source,’ they could have severe fines or a block on their service. Mr Wright has asked if social media services can provide an easier way to report online bullying as […]

Headteacher ‘Off-Rolled’ Autistic Child

A headteacher in a mainstream school in Devon has had to off-roll a student into home education as the child was struggling with noises in the lunch hall requiring sensory breaks outside the classroom, which in turn, the student’s anxiety rose. It is a clear message from Dawn Stabb, Head of Education and Learning in […]

Teachers Feel ‘Guilty’ About Caring for Themselves

Taking care of our children and students are paramount, however should we start caring for the people who are mentoring, developing and nurturing our next generation? Teachers should not be feeling guilty or any kind of shame for paying attention to their own well-being. This year alone, there has been a steep rise in educational […]