Ofsted Warns: Teachers are Worrying about Academy Chain Growth

Throughout the UK, there are plenty of multi-academy trusts with a huge amount of teaching staff in them. Ofsted have reported that these teachers are worried about their trust’s continued growth as this may reduce their influence within the classroom and create isolation within the management team. Some teachers have also stated that they feel ‘emasculated’ by a loss of autonomy within the classroom based on rules that ‘must be applied’ by the trust.

This report has shown that generally, teachers are very positive about working for a MAT and feel that the benefits are, largely, very good. However, strong thoughts were given when discussing the influence of direction of a MAT, saying that parents had a huge say on aspects; which were not always the best for teachers. Growth of MAT’s involves ‘power shifting’ which can unsettle all staff within a school as well as governors.

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