Labour Backing School Meals

The Labour party has given ministers a 72-hour deadline to agree to provide free school meals for over one million children during the holidays, who would otherwise be left hungry. Labour’s for the school dinners. This comes as the former prime minister, Gordan Brown, has called Primary Minister Boris Johnson to give 1.5 million children […]

SEND Crisis – Bankrupt Councils

The SEND funding crisis, throughout the country, has become so severe that this funding alone could bankrupt an entire council; there are simply too many children with SEND and not enough funding to help the students. Parents are currently losing confidence in mainstream schools, who are meant to provide education to their children who have […]

Schools are Wasting Money

A government adviser for the Department of Education has stated that schools are wasting money by applying for Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) for pupils who do not need them. The adviser’s comments come as hundreds of headteachers submitted a petition to Downing Street demanding increased funding for pupils with SEND. Money Being Wasted […]

Educators Having 2 Weeks Holiday in Term Time – Money Saver

Could you be here in Term-Time for your holiday?

In education, teachers have up to thirteen weeks ‘off’ a year as non-term time, although a good teacher never truly stops working. There has been talk for a while now that there are plans, or rumours more so, that teachers should be allowed up to two weeks paid holiday a year during term time; but […]

School Funding Down – Lowest in the Last 10 Years

The DfE has finally admitted that school funding is down since 2010, showing that the average pupil of today is roughly 2 per cent lower than what it was at the start of the decade. The government had previously insisted that school budgets are at record levels, and although it increased slightly last academic year, […]